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Rules and Regulations



- Party Size:  No more than 20 persons shall cooperate as a group in hunting any game.

- Hunter Orange: All persons in the act of hunting with a firearm or an unarmed person accompanying armed hunters (excluding varmint callers, waterfowl hunters, turkey, dove, and bowhunters) are required to wear at least one item of clothing that is "hunters orange" in color (caps, vests, jackets)

- Artificial Light: No person shall take or attempt to take any game or wild animals with the aid or use of artificial lights, spotlights, headlights, flashlight, etc. (except raccoons after they have been treed with the aid of dogs or coyotes being called in)

- Hunting from vehicle: It is unlawful for anyone to chase, drive, harass, or hunt any big game, game bird or other form of wildlife with or from an automobile, motorcycle, snowmobile, or other motorized ATV. (Exceptions: Coyotes may be pursued and hunted with all motor vehicles only when all big games seasons are closed.) All weapons on or in all vehicles, ATV and snowmobiles must be unloaded.

-Firearms limits: It is unlawful for any person to hunt big game with a firearm smaller than a .222 caliber (.22 caliber rifles are prohibited for big game hunting). Big game cartridges must contain a soft point or expanding bullet. All forms of crossbows are prohibited for all game species.  No self-loading firearm that holds more than six (6) cartridges may be used to hunt any big game species. Fully automatic rifles are prohibited for all forms of hunting.

-Safety Zones: No hunting within 660 feet of actively occupied dwellings or livestock without permission from landowner. No hunting within city limits.

Harvest Regulations

-Birds: Upland and waterfowl many not be completely field dressed and then transported. The head and one fully feathered wing must remain on waterfowl while upland birds must retain a head or leg sufficient to prove species and sex.

-Big Game: After killing a big game animal, evidence of species and sex must be left attached to the carcass. Suitable evidence of species shall include head and/or tail. Evidence of sex shall include head or reproductive organs attached to the carcass.

-Tagging: No big game animals taken shall be transported unless the big animal tag bearing the permittee's name/number for the season has been securely attached to the game at the time the game was killed, prior to bringing it into any hunting camp, dwelling, farmyard, or other place or abode of any kind occupied overnight or in the event such game animal is brought out to a road, then before the game is placed upon or in a vehicle of any kind. All tagging instructions printed on the tag must be followed.

- Harvest Reports: All hunters issues a license will be mailed a harvest report, according to the address on the license issues. Each harvest report, according to the address on the license issued. Each harvest report must be completed and returned to the Crow Creek Department of Natural Resources within 10 days following receipt of that questionnaire. Failure to return harvest reports may make that person ineligible for a license the following year, Harvest reports are necessary to help build a data base on the wildlife harvested on the Crow Creek Reservation.


- Methods: All traps must be marked with attached metal tags that provide the owners name and address. No steel leghold traps larger than #4 or traps with steel teeth are allowed. Traps must be checked at least once every 48 hours. No Traps shall be set within 660 feet from an occupied dwelling, community, town, picnic area or other place where public gatherings are likely to take place. Snares must have a mechanical lock, swivel device on the anchor end and a deer stop to prohibit the loop from closing to a diameter less than 2 1/2 inches. Snares must have name tags also. Attaching snares to a drag is prohibited.

- Illegal Activities: It is illegal to destroy any wildlife dens, burrows, or nests; or possess raw furs beyond the 10th day following the closure of that season without a specific permit from the Department. No person shall disturb another persons' raps, harass, kill, or take a trapped animal from another persons' traps. It shall be illegal to trap small, upland or big game animals. Only furbearers may be legally trapped during respective seasons (Exception: cottontail may be trapped). If protected species are trapped accidentally or otherwise, the animal shall be released undisturbed, or if killed, the Department must be notified BEFORE the animal is removed from the trapping device. Tribal Wildlife Personnel in the performance of their duties, may seize all traps, trapping devices and wildlife held in violation of those provisions.

Trapping of furbearers on the Crow Creek Reservation is limited to Tribal Members only on all Tribal and Corps lands and waters within the Reservation.


The provisions contained herein specifically address tribal lands within the boundaries of the Crow Creek Sioux Indian Reservation and all matters contained herein relating to the propagation, conservation, management, distribution, transportation, storage, and taking of fish and game. Crow Creek tribal licenses provide Tribal Members privileges for hunting, fishing, and trapping on all lands and waters within the Reservation


Hunters under the age of 12 years must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or responsible adult (age 18 or over) while in the actual acts of hunting. Hunters between the ages of 12 and 16 years inclusive must possess a hunter's safety card (certifying firearm competency) to hunt without a parent, guardian, or other responsible adult. 



Misrepresentation of identity, age, tribal membership, or residency while purchasing a tribal permit shall be unlawful and shall constitute fraud.

- Maximum lines and hooks: For open water fishing it shall be unlawful for any person to fish with more than 2 lines at the same time, and no more than 3 hooks shall be attached to the same line. Artificial lures constitute hoke hook regardless of gang hooks attached. For ice fishing, no more than 4lines at the same time and no more than 3 hooks shall be attached to the same line.

- Unlawful fishing methods: Snagging is prohibited and shall not include hooking when the fish by its action takes into its mouth 

- Hoop Nets, Set Lines, Bait Traps: Free licenses are available to Tribal Members with a valid Tribal Fishing License. All hoop nets, bait traps, and set lines must possess a permit tag obtained from the department and must be checked at least every 48 hours. No more than 20 hooks may be attached to one set line.  Size specifications for hoop nets are available from the Department.


- Bait: No person may possess carp, buffalo fish, carpsuckers, goldfish, or game fish (except cleanings) as bait for hook and line fishing.

-Stocking: No person shall transport, transplant or stock any fish from one water into any other waters of the Crow Creek Reservation without expressed written permission from the Department.


Tribal licenses and tribal permits shall be valid only for the person whose name appears on the license and/or permit after being issued by the Department of Natural Resources. Handicap/ elderly deer tags can be filled by Department of Natural Resources


No hunting permittee or licensed person, while hunting in the field during any game season shall be accompanied by any non-license or non-permittee carrying any firearm, or bow and arrow. A "non-licensee" or "non-permittee" is a person not having the required license for the proper season. 


Any officer may search without warrant any conveyance, vehicle, game bag, game basket, game coat, or any receptacle for game animals, birds, fish, or any package, box, hunting camp or a similar place where he has reason to believe (probable cause) contains evidence of violation of these Codes, regulations, ordinances, or rules adopted hereunder for hunting, fishing, or trapping


No person shall deface, mutilate, shoot at, tear down, or destroy any sign on the Crow Creek Sioux Indian Reservation, nor shall any person cut, run through, tear down, take down, take down, leave down fence, leave gates open, destroy crops or livestock, or in any way destroy gates or fences on any land on the Crow Creek Sioux Indian Reservation; in addition to the penalty provided for in violation may be required by the convicting Court to pay for all damages resulting from such violation.


No person shall wantonly waste or destroy any of the birds, animals, or fish of the kinds protected by the laws of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe. Varmint (prairie dogs, coyotes, skunks, etc.) should be discarded in a reasonable manner which is not offensive. Burying carcasses is recommended

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