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  • All territory within the boundaries of the Crow Creek Sioux Indian Reservation.



  • Means Crow Creek Sioux Tribe.



  • Crow Creek Sioux Tribal Department of Natural Resources ( Tribal Wildlife Program).



  • Means the State of South Dakota



  • A Conservation Officer of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribal Department of Natural Resources or any other law enforcement officers of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Crow Creek Sioux Tribe or USFWS Special Agent.


Tribal Member

  • Currently enrolled members of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe.


Reservation Resident

  • A person whose domicile, or permanent place of living, is within the external boundaries of the Crow Creek Sioux Reservation continuously for a minimum of 90 days.


Reservation Affiliates 

  • Employees of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe, Indian Health Services, Bureau of Indian Affairs, or Corps of Engineers ( Crow Creek Agency only); Deeded landowners living off the reservation, but owning 160 acres (1/4 section) within the exterior boundaries of the Reservation; Leased farm operators. Exception may apply to some farm/ranch "employees" with approval of the Crow Creek Department of Natural Resources.



Possession Limit

  • Maximum number of game animals which may be possessed at any one time, resulting from an accumulation of legally taken daily bag limits.


Bag Limit

  • Maximum number of game animals which may be legally taken per day and shall include maximum number of each species or sex.


Big Game Tag

  • Any tag issued with a big game permit which must be attached to a designated portion of the big game animal at the time it is killed or taken, prior to removal from the kill site, and remain on the carcass until processing.



  • The primary document issued by authority of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe which grants authority to engage in activities covered by the provisions of this Chapter.



  • Any animal with a visible antler at least four inches above the head.


Loaded Firearm

  • Any firearms containing cartridges in the chamber, clip, or magazine.



  • The use of hook or hooks and line, with or with out a pole, to impale or attempt to impale fish in a manner other than by natural feeding behavior by fish.

Game Fish

  • Defined as walleye, sauger, northern pike, perch, catfish, bullheads, muskellunge, all salmon/trout species, all bass, crappie, and sunfish for which there are season dates, limits and/or restrictions established.


Rough Fish

  • All fish other than game fish, baitfish, or endangered/protected fish for which there are either set seasons or taking is prohibited. Such species as carp, buffalo fish, suckers, golden-eye, freshwater drum, and burbot are considered rough fish.


Bait Fish 

  • Any fish or minnow which is used for angling, or the capture and taking of fish which is not illegal to use.


Small/ Upland Game

  • Shall be defined as including the following species: Sharp-tailed Grouse, Prairie Chicken, Ring0necked Pheasant, Hungarian Partridge, Cottontail Rabbit, and Mourning Dove.


Big Game

  • Shall be defined as Mule Deer, Whitetail, and Pronghorn. 



  • Species of birds and animals for which year round hunting is allowed with the required varmint license. This shall include the following: Porcupines, Prairie Dog, Jackrabbit, Ground Squirrel, Coyote, Crows, Grackles, Starlings, Ravens and both species of skunk.


Protected Species

  • Animals (birds, mammals, or fish) for which there are NO open seasons on the Crow Creek Sioux Reservation. 

  • Birds: whooping cranes, eagles, hawks, osprey, falcons, kites, owls, vultures, loons, grebes, pelicans, herons, bitterns, storks, swans, rails, gulls, woodpeckers, kingfishers, and all other shore birds, wading birds, and songbirds. (unless seasons are specifically designated)

  • Mammals: Black-footed ferret, elk, moose, otter, swift fox, cougar, bear, and other mammals, as specifically designated.

  • Fish: All sturgeon, and other fish as specifically designate. Many of these Species are federally protected.


CCST Dept. of Natural Resources


(605) 245-2187

P.O Box 48

Fort Thompson, South Dakota


© 2021 by Crow Creek Natural Resources & Wildlife Department

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